“Human beings are created with a built-in pull toward beauty. We are arrested by it.”

-Ortlund, Gentle & Lowly

We are drawn to surround ourselves with beauty and bask in the inspiration it provides. This is the motivation for Tyler to paint beautiful large canvas abstract art. He sees creating a statement for a living room, a captivation for an entryway or a comfort for a bedroom as an exciting adventure. Intuition is the driving force in design and color choice, revealing some unique combinations that speak to and of clients’ personalities. 

Often asked “how did you know??” Tyler has seen how each time he finishes a piece, the elements of the work make it specific for someone in particular. Sometimes the mystery of who it was for is not directly apparent but when finally revealed, makes complete sense to everyone.

Art has a funny way of mirroring life and Tyler has had the joy of seeing that theory in a practical way. The challenges of the journey can tempt one to throw in the towel or be discouraged because of the seeming lack of control. But similarly when a painting is going in it’s own direction and the brushstrokes or drips derail the intended result and the feeling of failure starts to creep in, Tyler has a choice to be overcome by insecurities and give up or take the risk pressing through in the potential to see the piece come together and reveal its own beauty. The end work is always a glorious display of tension and struggle enveloped in vivid colors and movement. Life, real life, is on the canvas and draws a viewer to connect.

As an artist, there are few joys greater than seeing a handmade piece adorning the walls of a client’s home or office. He carefully crafts the canvas for each commission to excite and inspire the viewer. Are you ready for a piece of your own? Now’s the time. With a few years and dozens of happy customers under his belt, Tyler is at the perfect crossroads of not being a terribly expensive artist (yet! lol!) and knowing how to consistently produce that unique, beautiful piece that reflects YOU!

Reach out and get the process started. Get ready to be arrested by beauty.

What folks are saying…

  • Tyler was a dream to work with! My painting was something I gifted myself for my 40th... and somehow, someway, Tyler was able to paint exactly what I had in mind, even though none of our communications gave him enough information to do so. All I can say is, he must be a mind-reader. When I saw my piece for the first time, I gasped! IT WAS PERFECT. Everytime I walk past it in my house, I smile. It's that perfect.

    — Ada H.

  • A home is just 4 walls until you fill it with the things you love. Family, friends and the simple things that bring us joy. Tyler’s pieces invoke emotion and inspire your walls to become storytellers. The piece he created for our home office does just that…bringing with it joy and happiness…

    — Darcy D.